the best albums of 2016

In a few days 2016 will be over, a year that unfortunately will be remembered most for the numerous deaths of great artists and less for the music we heard. In any case, the time has come to present the albums that made the cut for each and every one of us and of course the list of the 20 top albums of 2016 according to, something that keeps us on tenterhooks because -regardless of the outcome- when our viewpoints add up, everything is possible and as interesting as it gets.


Just like last year, but also 2014, our preferences differed to a high degree. As a matter of fact, each one of us included, on average, nearly 5 unique albums, verifying once more the diversity of our tastes. Of course the importance of the aggregate, but also the personal lists, is not confined in the ranking itself; their importance, for all it’s worth, lies not so much in the strict order of the ranking, but these lists can be viewed as a source for 129 listening suggestions, which are not limited to prog indeed, whose vast majority is off-mainstream (that is not up to the mark lately), regardless of the genre.

An impressive fact is (we should be used to it by now) that three releases of Greek groups are included in the top-ten which are highly acclaimed by the press world-wide. In contrast with the two previous years, there was no suspense whatsoever who would make it to the top of the list, which this year is not reserved for a Swedish band but for one of the many deceased in 2016, who shocked us with his last masterpiece.

Let the countdown begin…



Ulver – ATGCLVLSSCAP“Rygg’s vision and the way that O’Sullivan dealt with that, resulted in their best cooperation so far. They managed to take advantage of the experience gained on stage (who could have seen that coming?), conveying it wholly but in a controlled manner to the grooves of ATGCLVLSSCAP, presenting the best Ulver album since the era of Shadows of the Sun.”
– Kostas Barbas (8.5 / 10)

ATGCLVLSSCAP travels from drone to electronic music and ambient aesthetics. Despite its experimental mood, the album flows pleasantly with sounds that develop slowly and always give the impression of life in the background. Although long in duration, with a little patience, the sound result is quite exciting.”
– Lefteris Statharas (9 / 10)

19. Motorpsycho – Here Be Monsters

motorpsycho“another solid effort from Motorpsycho, who continue to be synonymous with the consistency and quality in the progressive scene. The fact that perhaps this is the worst album of the band in the current decade, shows how great the band is.”
– Paris Gravouniotis (8 / 10)

“…Here Be Monsters comes to confirm the inexhaustible energy of Motorpsycho. The Norwegians this time manage to mix the monotonous bass with guitar lullabies. Motorpsycho’s releases have still life and energy, with Here Be Monsters being a pleasant surprise in the first half of the year!”
– Kostas Rokas (8.5 / 10)

18. Sumerlands – Sumerlands

sumerlands-sumerlandsThe artistic proem of the American Sumerlands is, in essence, the collaboration between the singer/lyricist Phil Swanson and the current members of the 80’s connoisseurs Eternal Champion. The record manifests the originality and singularity of the 80’s US metal, reproducing the elevating and heroic feeling that previous bands consolidated and defined and, conventionally, was named power metal. On the other hand, the guitar bacchanal of Criss Oliva, Geoff Thorpe, Jake E. Lee, Kurdt Vanderhoof and the likes is embodied here, converting easy-to-grasp and straightforward compositional structures into an unimpeded playback of diffused and marching heavy / power metal. The musical proposition of Sumerlands doesn’t blaze a trail in music composition, since it is all about a breviloquent and resprouting 80’s heavy call, which reapproaches a glorious facet of US metal.
–Thomas Sarakintsis

17. Alcest – Kodama


“Aesthetically Kodama is delightful, pretty much like all of their previous works, since images play an important role in their music. Through this dark and bittersweet narrative, Alcest gave us a musical edifice bristling with beauty, progressive feeling and incomparable freshness.” 
– Vasilis Korolis (9 / 10)

“It is a narrative experience full of dark and melancholic soundscapes, exploring atmospheric metal in a coherent album where everything is aligned and should be listened as a whole.”
– Dina Dede (8.5 / 10)

16. Black Mountain – IV


The fourth album of the Canadians Black Mountain is an emblematic come-back, breaking their long-lasting silence.  The semiotics of the record’s sleeve and the title’s (IV) brings into the open the directions, ranging from the ambient style of Wish You Were Here to the primitive heaviness of Black Sabbath. Stephen McBean’s iconic figure refers to 70’s guitar hero and the crystal voice of Amber Webber sounds like a contemporary version of Grace Slick. But the most important thing is that the Canadians pulled off to coalesce harmonically retro references, psychedelia and vintage aesthetic with refreshing elements from the entire spectrum of modern music, and as a consequence the record is rendered easy-to-grasp and simultaneously progressive.
– Dimitris Anastasiadis

15. Utopianisti – The Third Frontier

utopianisti-the-third-frontier“The avant-prog of Frank Zappa and Samla Mammas Manna meets the characteristic Scandinavian fusion, with a few touches from the scene of Canterbury and the German jazz / krautrock to color their musical mosaic… the Finns were able to offer us one of the best-quality albums of the current year.”
– Paris Gravouniotis (8.5 / 10)

“…jazz / fusion prog with the avant-prog / RIO element crystallized without unnecessary deviations, in line with the spirit of Frank Zappa and Pekka Pohjola, with unpredictable shifts of rhythms and style, amazing funky groove, 70s cinematographic lyricism, tongue-in-cheek humour, the highest level of technique and tracks that stick insidiously to our minds.”
– Dimitris Kaltsas (8.5 / 10)

14. Vespero – Lique Mekwas

Vespero - Lique Mekwas“After this year’s release of Lique Mekwas, what is certain and at the same time causes joy, respect and awe is the fact that Vespero are in the middle of a creative orgasm, proving that not only they deserve to be at the top of space-rock, but also that they surpass the limits of the genre, thus willingly entering in more jazzy musical fields.”
– Ilias Goumagias (9 / 10)

“Keeping their space-rock / psychedelic motivation, Lique Mekwas reveals more of afro aesthetics through the use of local motifs, releasing an improvisational flair without losing the musical orientation and meaning.”
– Giannis Zavradinos (8.5 / 10)

13. Höstsonaten – Symphony N. 1: Cupid & Psyche

“By having an alternate storyline and adventurous transitions, the common aesthetics denominator here is a charming atmosphere of mystery. The orchestral narrative ‘fluency’ emerges strongly from the absence of expressive limitations and stereotypes.”
– Dimitris Kaltsas (8 / 10)

“High level of technique, beautiful melodies, impeccable rhythms and emotional changes characterize one of the best instrumental albums of this decade. A very good symphonic prog album, made to be heard as a whole, from beginning to end.”
– Paris Gravouniotis (8 / 10)

12. Seven Impale – Contrapasso

Seven Impale - Contrapasso

“The Norwegians keep stirring our imagination in their new album as well, since they experiment in new paths that include gothic and electronica influences to heavy progressive and fusion…  “I’ve reached the final conclusion. The epitome of confusion.” And nevertheless, it is this confusion that is so attractive from a group that, it appears to me, will not cease to surprise us!”
– Thanos Patsos (7 / 10)

“Their second album complements or better deepens the perspective of the Norse for progressive music and give us one of the best releases this year. With key differences the variety of rhythms, melodies and primarily style in comparison to City of The Sun, Seven Impale most worthily represent all uncategorized bands of their era.”
– Alexandros Topintzis (8.5 / 10)

11. Gojira – Magma

Gojira - Magma“This is a transitional album and it remains to be seen whether it will signal a change of direction for the band in the deepest waters of the ocean of rock music in general or it will be a parenthesis in their interesting discography.”
– Ilias Goumagias (7.5 / 10)

“…Magma largely justifies the character that the public attributes to it achieving not to be a boring rehash. For the first time one would observe instabilities in the dividing line between the ‘hip’ and ‘catchy’, offering almost contradictory pleasures and disappointments (few).”
– Alexandros Topintzis (7.5 / 10)

10. The Dear Hunter – Act V: Hymns With The Devil In Confessional

the-dear-hunter-act-v“I find it amusing that I can enjoy sounds of acts such as Coheed and Cambria, U2, Coldplay filtered through the talent of this bunch. A more-than-satisfactorily delivered West-End production, the answer as to whether pop-prog can lead in 2016 is given herewith.”
– Thanos Patsos (8.5 / 10)

“Including many style changes and maintaining an incessant flow, as the story is driven into dark paths, the structure is simply flawless… The contenders for the best part of Actare now five and this is certainly the best prog concept series ever.”
– Dimitris Kaltsas (8.5 / 10)

09. Verbal Delirium – The Imprisoned Words of Fear

Verbal Delirium - The Imprisoned Words Of Fear“…The Imprisoned Words of Fear is undoubtedly one of the best and most well-worked progressive rock albums ever released by a Greek band (which gradually become more and more) and is a loud statement of Verbal Delirium in the international scene of the genre.”
– Kostas Barbas (9 / 10)

“The dark aesthetics of the beautiful cover is reflected directly in the musical content upon first listen. The heavy atmosphere of the album coupled with the obviously harder direction they seem to follow, characterise their work throughout its duration.”
– Paris Gravouniotis (8.5 / 10)

08. Mother Turtle – II

Mother Turtle - II“Even though they miss in popularity as the domestic music reality actually seems still unprepared to support the promising Greek prog, Mother Turtle prove that they master very well the art of NOT giving up on a revolution.”
– Giannis Zavradinos (9 / 10)

“From the British Harvest Moon and the excellent development of the atmospheric introduction of Walpurgi Flame and the exceptional guitar solo by K. Konstantinidis in the finale, and from there to the melodic The Art Of Ending A Revolution and the à la Gentle Giant vocals that close the album just as they started, we come to the same conclusion: we are dealing with one of the top progressive albums of 2016.”
– Paris Gravouniotis (8.5 / 10)

07. Metallica – Hardwired… to Self-Destruct


Their new stuff gives the impression of a relaxed, revitalized and spontaneous band. There seems to be no intention of recreating their original ferocity or showing-off with their old sound. In this double album, the variation between the catchy chorus and high-pitched songs in the first part and the superfluous mid-tempo compositions in the second is noticeable, delivering a successful but uneven heavy metal album. Metallica’s grooving rage is apparent with interesting songwriting, decent drumming, cheeky vocals and all the other elements that define the band, composing a solid, tempting, energetic and harsh recipe. If we ignore some fillers that result to unnecessary (lengthy) songs and the quasi-thrash moments, the word “self-destruct” serves only as an album title.
– Dina Dede

06. Hail Spirit Noir – Mayhem in Blue

Hail-Spirit-Noir-Artwork-PR“…we deal with an intellectually and artistically mature band which sounds solid, impressing once again with their sound, their remarkable progressive experimentation and psychedelic atmosphere, even though when the album finishes you are left with the feeling that one more song is missing. Hail Spirit Noir achieve an impressive musical imagery with unique musicianship.”
– Dina Dede (8.5 / 10)

“Their style emanates an organic rock feeling, whereas the more extreme parts are absolutely convincing. The darkness that the songs emit, springs from the compositions themselves, not by cheap tricks. Mayhem In Blue is one of the best metal releases you are about to listen to this year, which is not exactly metal. Or is it?”
– Kostas Barbas (9 / 10)

05. Atlanter – Jewels of Crime

Atlanter - Jewels Of Crime“Rags instead of jewelry, companionship instead of fame, artistic concern rather than mainstream complacency: those are the ideas on which Atlanter set up their second album Jewels of Crime, achieving more than just impress the savvy listener and enter the highlights of 2016: they succeed in expressing a part of their generation, namely us.”
– Nikos Filippaios (8.5 / 10)

“Adding pop / funk hit forms to dipped in 60s-70s positivity, the peculiar indie alternativity and their incompatible progressive experimentation, Atlanter confirm why they deserve to be regarded as one of the most interesting “things” in music today…”
– Dimitris Kaltsas (8.5 / 10)

04. Not Blood Paint – Believing Is Believing

not-blood-paint-believing-is-believing“Vintage coexists with alternative in perfect harmony, dancing groove with pompous heavy rock, 70s prog with early 80s post-punk… ten catchy and (no matter how incredulous it sounds) perfectly even songs, ten potential hits, ten completely interesting stories with epic climaxes, unpredictable twists and literally not a single superfluous melodic phrase.”
– Dimitris Kaltsas (9 / 10)

“The second full-length album of Not Blood Paint comes out of nowhere to redefine the term “crossover”… an odd amalgam of musical influences as far afield as metal, glam, post-punk and prog rock, with the guitars always up front… Musicphile diggers of all kinds and races, should dedicate the necessary time that this killer release deserves.”
– Kostas Barbas (9 / 10)

03. Niechęć – Niechęć

“From SBB to Michał Urbaniak of yesterday, to Riverside and now Niechęć , Poland, thanks to its distinct culture, goes on to surprise us with remarkable musicians and bands through progressive’s wide spectrum. One of the best releases of the year.”
– Giannis Zavradinos (9 / 10)

“…Niechęć pull off to merge jazz with progressive rock and post-rock with flying colours… The formless melodies and the soft moments interchange with more stressful avant-garde themes in an overly adventurous musical roller coaster…Niechęć s one of the best jazz albums, in a wider sense, that you are about to listen to this year and is a must for every fan of quality instrumental music.”
– Kostas Barbas (9 / 10)

02. Fates Warning – Theories of Flight

Fates Warning - Theories Of Flight

“With uniformity and harmony reminiscent of A Pleasant Shade of Gray, the songs alternate, dispelling any possibility of repetition or the listener’s fatigue. Original ideas, old ideas, rehash… Fates always give their best in every album without ever creating any second thought about their intentions as artists.”
– Alexandros Topintzis (9 / 10)

“Twelfth album for Fates Warning and although I expected something similar to their previous one, Theories of Flight left me quite speechless. The tracks are all of the highest level, and Seven Stars, The Light and Shade of Things and The Ghosts of Home stand out. If there was a song like Still Remains, we would be talking about a monumental album! In my opinion it’s their best since A Pleasant Shade of Gray.
– Giannis Voulgaris (9 / 10)

01. David Bowie – Blackstar


Every man has a black star / A black star over his shoulder / And when a man sees his black star / He knows his time, his time has come, sang Elvis back in 1960. David Bowie knew it well. He knew he had cancer, he knew he would die soon. “I will make something great” he thought. “I wll mix NY jazz, krautrock, avant-garde with electonica elements and RnB, and combined with my British singer-songwriter dna, I will create a tremendous, insurmountable sonic print, purely experimental and simultaneously pop in the most absolute way. And then I will go.” And thus it happened. Is Blackstar Bowie’s best album? Possibly. What is certain is that it is the ultimate swan song of a unique, incompatible artist. It confirms the fact that all music “has now been played” and turns death into a matchless work of art, and its echo will be discussed for years.
– Ilias Goumagias


David-Bowie-Blackstar01. David Bowie – Blackstar
02. Niechęć – Niechęć
03. Atlanter – Jewels of Crime
04. Black Mountain – IV
05. Metá Metá – MM3
06. King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard – Nonagon Infinity
07. Fates Warning – Theories of Flight
08. Mother Turtle – II

09. Metallica – Hardwired… to Self-Destruct
10. Sturgill Simpson – A Sailor’s Guide to Earth
David-Bowie-Blackstar01. David Bowie – Blackstar
02. Atlanter – Jewels of Crime
03. Hail Spirit Noir – Mayhem in Blue
04. Niechęć – Niechęć
05. Not Blood Paint – Believing Is Believing
06. Verbal Delirium – The Imprisoned Words of Fear
08. Mother Turtle – II

09. Michael Kiwanuka – Love & Hate
10. Vespero – Lique Mekwas
cobalt-slow-forever01. Cobalt – Slow Forever
02. David Bowie – Blackstar
03. Niechęć – Niechęć
04. Hail Spirit Noir – Mayhem in Blue
05. Cultes Des Ghoules – Coven, or Evil Ways Instead of Love
06. Metallica – Hardwired… to Self-Destruct

07. Ulcerate – Shrines of Paralysis
08. Blood Incantation – Starspawn

09. Alcest – Kodama
10. Asphyx – Incoming Death
death-angel-the-evil-divide01. Death Angel – The Evil Divide
02. Not Blood Paint – Believing Is Believing
03. Fleshgod Apocalypse – King
04. Fates Warning – Theories of Flight
05. Evergrey – The Storm Within
06. Niechęć – Niechęć

07. Meshuggah – The Violent Sleep of Reason
08. Fear Factory – Genexus

09. Opeth – Sorceress
10. Myrath – Legacy
trevor-something-the-soulless-computer-boy-and-the-eternal-render01. Trevor Something – The Soulless Computer Boy and the Eternal Render
02. Kutiman – 6 AM
03. Atlanter – Jewels of Crime
04. Smith & Mudd – Gorthleck
05. Nicolas Jaar – Sirens
06. Wilson Tanner – 69
07. Cantoma – Just Landed
08. Mmoths – Luneworks
09. Hail Spirit Noir – Mayhem in Blue
10. Michael Kiwanuka – Love & Hate
the-memory-band-a-fair-field01. The Memory Band – A Fair Field
02. Shirley Collins – Lodestar
03. The Honey Pot – Ascending Scales
04. Alasdair Roberts & James Green – Plaint Of Lapwing
05. Icarus Peel: Forget Me Not Pussy Willow
06. Lords Of Thyme – Pellets
07. Soft Hearted Scientists – Golden Omens
08. Sumner – That Ladybird Summer
09. Laurie Shaw – Felted Fruit
10. Exedra – Elemental
David-Bowie-Blackstar01. David Bowie – Blackstar
02. Vespero – Lique Mekwas
03. Atlanter – Jewels of Crime
04. Fates Warning – Theories of Flight
05. POEM – Skein Syndrome
06. Dream the Electric Sleep – Beneath the Dark Wide Sky
07. Hail Spirit Noir – Mayhem in Blue
08. Motorpsycho – Here Be Monsters
09. The 1975 – I Like it When You Sleep For You Are So Beautiful Yet So Unaware of It

10. Radiohead – A Moon-Shaped Pool
David-Bowie-Blackstar01. David Bowie – Blackstar
02. Metallica – Hardwired… to Self-Destruct
03. Not Blood Paint – Believing Is Believing
04. Giraffe Tongue Orchestra – Broken Lines
05. Hail Spirit Noir – Mayhem in Blue
06. Bent Knee – Say So

07. Gojira – Magma
08. Vespero – Lique Mekwas
09. Niechęć – Niechęć

10. King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard – Nonagon Infinity
utopianisti-the-third-frontier01. Utopianisti – The Third Frontier
02. Niechęć – Niechęć
03. David Bowie – Blackstar
04. Verbal Delirium – The Imprisoned Words of Fear
05. Mother Turtle – II
06. Big Big Train – Folklore
07. Höstsonaten – Symphony N. 1: Cupid & Psyche
08. Motorpsycho – Here Be Monsters

09. Vespero – Lique Mekwas
10. Heron Oblivion – Heron Oblivion
David-Bowie-Blackstar01. David Bowie – Blackstar
02. Not Blood Paint – Believing Is Believing
03. Niechęć – Niechęć
04. Atlanter – Jewels of Crime
05. Heron Oblivion – Heron Oblivion
06. Verbal Delirium – The Imprisoned Words of Fear
07. The Dear Hunter – Act V: Hymns With The Devil In Confessional

08. Utopianisti – The Third Frontier
09. Bent Knee – Say So
10. Fates Warning – Theories of Flight
niechec-niechec01. Niechęć – Niechęć
02. Vespero – Lique Mekwas
03. Höstsonaten – Symphony N. 1: Cupid & Psyche
04. Utopianisti – The Third Frontier
05. Verbal Delirium – The Imprisoned Words of Fear
06. Mother Turtle – II
07. Vassilis Lagos Quintet – Cantatas for a Demon
08. Zanov – Open Worlds
09. Antoine Fafard – Sphère
10. Atlanter – Jewels of Crime
bat-for-lashes-the-bride01. Bat For Lashes – The Bride
02. David Bowie – Blackstar
03. Leonard Cohen – You Want It Darker
04. Metallica – Hardwired… to Self-Destruct
05. Insomnium – Winter’s Gate

06. Agnes Obel – Citizen Of Glass
07. Frøkedal – Hold On Dreamer
08. Ed Harcourt – Furnaces

09. New Model Army – Winter
10. Crippled Black Phoenix – Bronze
%cf%88-%cf%87-%cf%84%ce%bf-%cf%86%cf%89%cf%82-%cf%84%ce%bf-%ce%b1%ce%bb%ce%b7%ce%b8%ce%b9%ce%bd%cf%8c01. Ψ.Χ – Το Φως Το Αληθινό
02. Alcest – Kodama
03. Metallica – Hardwired… to Self-Destruct
04. Megadeth – Dystopia

05. Fates Warning – Theories of Flight
07. In The Woods… – Pure
08. Gojira – Magma
09. Ihsahn – Arktis.
10. Oranssi Pazuzu – Varahtelija
Fates Warning - Theories Of Flight01. Fates Warning – Theories of Flight
02. The Dear Hunter – Act V: Hymns With The Devil In Confessional
03. Kansas – The Prelude Implicit
04. Hail Spirit Noir – Mayhem in Blue
05. Redemption – The Art Of Loss
06. Big Big Train – Folklore
07. Motorpsycho – Here Be Monsters
08. Verbal Delirium – The Imprisoned Words of Fear
09. Headspace – All That You Fear Is Gone
10. Marillion – F.E.A.R.
David-Bowie-Blackstar01. David Bowie – Blackstar
02. Schammasch – Triangle

03. The Dear Hunter – Act V: Hymns With The Devil In Confessional
04. Metallica – Hardwired… to Self-Destruct

06. Gojira – Magma

07. Agatus – The Eternalist
08. Innerwish – Innerwish
09. Hail Spirit Noir – Mayhem in Blue

10. Fates Warning – Theories of Flight
Fates Warning - Theories Of Flight01. Fates Warning – Theories of Flight
02. Not Blood Paint – Believing Is Believing

03. Hexvessel – When We are Death
04. Gojira – Magma
05. Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds – Skeleton Tree
06. Motorpsycho – Here Be Monsters
07. Pelander – Time
08. In The Woods… – Pure
09. Atlanter – Jewels of Crime
10. David Bowie – Blackstar
the-dear-hunter-act-v01. The Dear Hunter – Act V: Hymns With The Devil In Confessional
02. Fates Warning – Theories of Flight

03. Verbal Delirium – The Imprisoned Words of Fear
04. iamthemorning – Lighthouse
05. Vulkan – Observants
06. Frost* – Falling Satellites

07. Seven Impale – Contrapasso
08. Patchwork Cacophony – Five of Cups
09. Headspace – All That You Fear Is Gone

10. Ihsahn – Arktis.


Fates Warning - Theories Of Flight01. Fates Warning – Theories of Flight
02. David Bowie – Blackstar

03. Sumerlands – Sumerlands
04. Eternal Champion – The Armor of Ire
05. Gojira – Magma
06. Haken – Affinity

07. Megadeth – Dystopia
08. Devin Townsend Project – Transendence
09. Hammers of Misfortune – Dead Revolution

10. Black Mountain – IV
fire-orchestra-ritual01. Fire! Orchestra – Ritual
02. Seven Impale – Contrapasso
03. Haken – Affinity
04. Long Distance Calling – TRIPS
05. Karmakanic – DOT
06. Fates Warning – Theories of Flight

07. Gravitysays_i – Quantum Unknown
08. Black Mountain – IV
09. Hedvig Mollestad Trio – Black Stabat Mater
10. Utopianisti – The Third Frontier
 wolf-people-ruins01. Wolf People – Ruins
02. Witchcraft – Nucleus
03. Sumerlands – Sumerlands
04. Blood Ceremony – Lord of Misrule
05. Black Mountain – IV
06. Electric Citizen – Higher Time

07. Atlanter – Jewels of Crime
08. Hail Spirit Noir – Mayhem in Blue
09. Mondo Drag – The Occultation of Light
10. Vektor – Terminal Redux
not-blood-paint-believing-is-believing01. Not Blood Paint – Believing Is Believing
02. David Bowie – Blackstar
03. Niechęć – Niechęć
04. Atlanter – Jewels of Crime
05. Mother Turtle – II
06. Verbal Delirium – The Imprisoned Words of Fear
07. Höstsonaten – Symphony N. 1: Cupid & Psyche
08. POEM – Skein Syndrome
09. Gojira – Magma
10. Fates Warning – Theories of Flight
fogh-depot-turmalinturm01. Fogh Depot – Turmalinturm
02. Hintermass – The Apple Tree

03. Saturnia – The Real High
04. Gravitysays_i – Quantum Unknown
05. Mother Turtle – II
06. Forma – Psysicalist
07. Causa Sui – Return To The Sky
08. SURVIVE – RR7349
09. Chickn – Chickn
10. Bent Knee – Say So
Fates Warning - Theories Of Flight01. Fates Warning – Theories of Flight
02. David Bowie – Blackstar

03. Blood Incantation – Starspawn
04. Seven Impale – Contrapasso
05. Mother Turtle – II
06. The Body – No One Deserves Happiness
07. Wolf People – Ruins

08. Not Blood Paint – Believing Is Believing
09. Atlanter – Jewels of Crime
10. Niechęć – Niechęć
David-Bowie-Blackstar01. David Bowie – Blackstar
02. Atlanter – Jewels of Crime
03. Niechęć – Niechęć
04. Hail Spirit Noir – Mayhem in Blue
05. Not Blood Paint – Believing Is Believing
06. King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard – Nonagon Infinity
07. Fates Warning – Theories of Flight
08. Sturgill Simpson – A Sailor’s Guide to Earth
09. Black Mountain – IV
10. Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds – Skeleton Tree
Fates Warning - Theories Of Flight01. Fates Warning – Theories of Flight
02. David Bowie – Blackstar
03. Niechęć – Niechęć
04. Alcest – Kodama
05. Not Blood Paint – Believing Is Believing
06. Ihsahn – Arktis.
07. Deftones – Gore
08. Metallica – Hardwired… to Self-Destruct
09. Ulcerate – Shrines of Paralysis
10. Mother Turtle – II
niechec-niechec01. Niechęć – Niechęć
02. Höstsonaten – Symphony N. 1: Cupid & Psyche
03. Farmhouse Odyssey – Rise Of the Waterfowl
04. Seven Impale – Contrapasso
05. Antoine Fafard – Sphère
06. Not Blood Paint – Believing Is Believing
07. Mother Turtle – II
08. Τhe Claypool Lennon Delirium – Monolith Of Phobos
09. Tiles – Pretending to Run
10. Gong – Rejoice! I’m Dead
David-Bowie-Blackstar01. David Bowie – Blackstar
02. Markey Funk – Instict
03. Grup Ses – Alliance
04. Heliocentrics – From The Deep
05. Yussef Kamaal – Black Focus
06. Sarathy Korwar – Day to Day
07. BBNG – IV
08. Nomade Orchestra – Nomade Orchestra
09. Gaslamp Killer – Instrumentalempathy
10. Debre Damo Dining Orchestra – Debre Damo Dining Orchestra


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