Riverside have announced the guitarist for their live shows

Riverside have finally announced the guitarist that will perform with them on stage, even though there is no hint if he will also record on the forthcoming album. One step at a time, and it seems as if this step was taken having in mind whether the new member will get on well with the remaining ones. Therefore, someone who was already familiar with them was chosen to fill in. You can read the band’s announcement on their official site below:

It is with great pleasure that we would like to announce that for all the concerts in 2017 we will be joined by our friend, Maciej Meller, the guitarist thanks to whom our music will sound the way it should, not only because he’s a very good musician, but most of all, because he’s got a modesty and humility about him, and these have always been important to us on stage.

Mariusz: I knew Maciek before Riverside. I have known him since 1993 to be precise, when we performed together at a festival, me in Xanadu and Maciej in Deep River, which later transformed into Quidam. For years we have managed to get to know each other really well and even compose something together. In 2008 Maciek guested on the first Lunatic Soul album in a track called “Adrift” and later, in 2015 we recorded an album which was released towards the end of last year under the name ‘Meller Gołyźniak Duda’. We know each other’s music sensitivity. We were born in the same year, the same as Piotrek Grudziński too, and we both share the same music roots. It wouldn’t be difficult to find a musician who could play anything at any time of day or night, a technician who would overshadow everyone and everything else with his charisma and skills. But it was really hard to find someone able to convey the music and character of the band on stage and at the same time enhance it with their own sound and interpretation. Right from the very beginning Maciek seemed to be the only person who could complete our fractured band. I know that thanks to him you will be able to see again on stage a united band. And being a united band on stage has always been the driving force behind Riverside. Riverside passed their first test at two sold out concerts in Progresja in Warsaw, where they played for 4000 people. The “Towards the Blue Horizon Tour” is the band’s comeback in a different music style. They will perform compositions illustrating the history and events that have recently taken place.

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